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The Church of the SubGenius
The Church of the Subgenius (also known as The Subgenius Foundation) is a satire religion created in the mid to late 1970's on an MIT-hosted BBS server. The Church of the Subgenius had varying influences on the development of Slackware. The primary concept of The Church of the Subgenius is to follow the prophet J. R. "Bob" Dobbs (the world's most successful salesman who died multiple times), who in 1953 saw Jahova 1 (God) on a television set he built. The goal of every member is to gain "Slack" to avoid being "Pink" in time for the highly-pornographic "X-Day" (Armageddon) that they have both predicted and celebrated multiple times since 1995.
Followers of the religion rarely "break character" and reveal it as a satire.