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Tech News Sites

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Revision as of 08:49, 5 March 2016 by >Mrsnooze (alphabetization)
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News Aggregators

  • DistroWatch - Linux distro release news and a weekly newsletter. Also has a decent list of linux/open source focused podcasts.
  • Slashdot - As old as the internet, has changed hands too many times to count and is run by idiots. However the community that visits/comments on the articles are top notch.
  • SoylentNews - A fork of Slashdot from early 2014 (the infamous "Slashdot Beta" era). Good, but much smaller community.

Written Articles

  • ArsTechnica - Decent writers on staff. Covers all things tech.
  • EFF - Legal issues and open internet news.
  • TechDirt - Focuses more on legal and copyright issues than general technology.
  • TorrentFreak - Focus on torrent and copyright issues. If your tracker is down, these guys will know why.
  • Wired - More consumerist than ArsTechnica and falling towards clickbait headlines as of 2015. Good security section.


  • Going Linux - Biweekly beginner linux podcast which takes it's time and lives on listener feedback.
  • Jupiter Broadcasting - A podcasting network with several excellent tech related shows.
  • Risky Business - Weekly infosec podcast featuring security news, feature interviews and a sponsored interview.