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Talk:/g/ projects

From InstallGentoo Wiki v2
Revision as of 11:49, 8 April 2015 by >Mrsnooze
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- The /g/ n00b programming projects image would be better off in a beginner's programming section Mrsnooze (talk) 07:49, 8 April 2015 (EDT)

Needs categories

There are too many projects in the list, it's a big mess. They need to be broken down into categories like:

  • Mobile
  • Misc. desktop software
  • IM
  • Browser
  • OS

- How about splitting it into active and dormant? Active is likely to be much smaller and much easier to categorize. Deleting shitty forks with no development will probably cut the list down further Mrsnooze (talk) 07:46, 8 April 2015 (EDT)

Sortable table

I don't know how to do this but the table needs to be sortable.