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/aosg/ Alternative Operating System General
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After a thread on /g/, one anon expressed an interest to turn this into a general, and here are some notes to keep to build up a FAQ.
OP has not yet mastered 4chan posting, so there is as yet no easy way to locate old threads. Manual list:
- initial thread
- second thread
- SerenityOS thread
- third thread
- fourth thread, and OP is getting there and things are shaping up
List of Notable Alternative Operating Systems
- https://templeos.org/ TempleOS, the operating system built by it's sole developer, Terry A. Davis in HolyC over the course of several decades.
- https://github.com/Zeal-Operating-System/ZealOS ZealOS, modernized fork of TempleOS
- http://collapseos.org/ the OS for the end of the world
- https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos is a 32-bit Forth and big brother to Collapse OS. Its primary purpose is to be maximally useful during the first stage of civilizational collapse
- http://phantomos.org/
- TRON - killed by a Hollywood grade conspiracy
- Midori and Singularity from Microsoft, a managed kernel written in a variant of C# called Sing# Github archive
- https://www.serenityos.org/ SerenityOS, an operating system that also is therapeutic and doesn't release ISOs, thus filtering trolls (Github archive)
- http://users.atw.hu/gerigeri/DawnOS/index.html Dawn, an operating system complete with a GUI and userspace programs designed for the SUBLEQ single instruction architecture
- https://reactos.org/ ReactOS, an open source implementation of the Microsoft NT Kernel and userspace
- https://genode.org/ Genode, an operating system framework with a focus on stability and security
- https://www.haiku-os.org/ HaikuOS, an open source operating system inspired by BeOS and designed to achieve compatibility with the discontinued BeOS
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS/2 OS/2, a now discontinued historical operating system initially developed by IBM and Microsoft, notable for it's DOS compatibility and similarities to NT
- https://www.arcanoae.com/arcaos/ ArcaOS, a modern continuation of OS/2
- https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2016/xv6.html a simple Unix-like teaching operating system
- https://minix3.org/ is more widely used than first expected...
- https://github.com/froggey/Mezzano Mezzano is written in Lisp
- https://toaruos.org/ ToaruOS is heavily manga inspired where 100 Yen coins are routinely launched at relativistic velocities. ( Github)
- https://www.ponyos.org/ PonyOS trots out the forbidden beast on 1st of April, much to the horror of most people
- http://www.helenos.org/ HelenOS is a research focused operating system based on a microkernel written by Helen Keller
- https://sizeof.cat/project/hoshi/ Hoshi is an operating system built by a sole anon
- https://eltaninos.org/ minimal linux distro assembled and partly written by an anon
Operating Systems for Amiga
- https://www.amigaos.net/ AmigaOS, the original Amiga operating system, now targets the PowerPC architecture
- https://www.morphos-team.net/ MorphOS, a closed source Amiga-like operating system targeting the PowerPC architecture
- https://aros.sourceforge.io/ AROS Research Operating System, another Amiga-like operating system designed around the AmigaOS 3.1 API
Plan 9 Family
- https://9p.io/ Plan 9 - a research project from ATT by the founders of Unix
- https://9front.org/ 9front is a continuation
- https://harvey-os.org/ HarveyOS is anothre continuation
- http://jehanne.h--k.it/ JehanneOS takes most of userland tools and some kernel modules from 9front and other code from Harvey OS
OS Written in Assembly
- https://www.menuetos.net MenuetOS, an operating system written entirely in assembly complete with a GUI. Not all is open source
- http://www.kolibrios.org/en/ KolibriOS is a free fork of MenuetOS. KolibriOS is very small - The kernel and most of the programs fit on a 1.44MB floppy disk.
- http://doc.cat-v.org/bell_labs/utah2000/utah2000.pdf OS research is dead
- https://youtube.com/watch?v=36myc8wQhLo Some hope
- https://copy.sh/v86/ JS VM with lots of OS, including one for Serenity OS
- https://archiveos.org/others/ An archive of various operating systems
Resources for OSDEV
- https://wiki.osdev.org/Expanded_Main_Page Landing page for the OSDev Wiki and Forums
- https://sizeof.cat/links/#osdev List of links to resources for developers and hobbyists
- https://digital.library.txstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10877/3226/fulltext.pdf?isAllowed=y&sequence=1 - FMI/OS: A Comparative Study, by Dimitri Hammond
- https://www.csc.kth.se/~edalen/9pfmios.pdf Converting FMI/OS to the 9P2000 distributed file system protocol, by Erik Dalen
- https://sources.vsta.org:7100/vsta/wiki?name=Root - VSTa documentation, by Andy Valencia
- https://youtu.be/36myc8wQhLo A key note talk on OS
- https://github.com/MobSlicer152/ntdesign/blob/main/dwintro.docx.txt The NT Kernel design workbook from Microsoft