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List of recommended macOS software
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For a more complete collection of terminal applications, be sure to check the GNU/Linux applications page.
Package Managers
Terminal Applications
File Management
FTP Clients
Online Storage
Network Monitoring
System Monitoring
Audio Players
- iTunes - The default audio player. While not very customizable, it features good sorting options and integration. Can't play FLAC files.
- Fidelia - At $20, it's a pretty harsh price for a music player. Unless you really need those advanced features, stick to a cheaper player.
- Swinsian - Also $20, but made by a /g/ user.
- Sonora - Original devs have abandoned it. Seemingly no github activity.
- Ecoute
- Enqueue - $10
- Vox - Minimalistic alternative to iTunes that also has the ability to play FLAC.
Command line players
Audio Tools
Video Players
See Browsers
- Webkit Nightly
- Firefox
- Firefox Beta
- Firefox Aurora
- Firefox Nightly
- Chromium
- Google Chrome
- Google Chrome Canary
- Opera
- Opera Next
Chat clients
- Thunderbird
- Airmail - $2
- Opera Mail
Application Launchers
- Alfred - Simple but efficient application launcher. Best in combination with the Powerpack.
- Launchbar - A little more complicated than Alfred, has a few convenient features that Alfred lacks.
- Quicksilver
- Obsidian Menu Bar - Changes the color of the menu bar to black.
- Bartender - Utility to clean up and manage your menu bar.
- Geektool - Add shell scripts and images to your desktop.
- BetterTouchTool
- BetterSnapTool - Adds window snapping to OS X.
- PCKeyboardHack - Change the functionality of the "Caps Lock" key.
- KeyRemap4MacBook - Remap the keys on your keyboard and change the key repeat settings.
- jitouch 2
- Moom
- Handbrake - Utility for ripping movies.
- 1Password - Safely store all your passwords.
- Growl - Alternative notification system with good customization features. Best in combination with HardwareGrowler. $4 or build from source.
- f.lux - Utility for changing the color tone of your display.
- Automator
System Maintenance
- coconutBattery - Utility for checking battery health.
- Appcleaner - A free and good way to uninstall software.
- Onyx
Disk tools
- DaisyDisk - Gives you a graphical overview over your file system.
- Disk Inventory X - Free alternative to DaisyDisk.
- Gemini - Intelligent duplicate remover.
Torrent Clients
- Transmission - Simple and lightweight open source torrent client.
- rtorrent - Terminal torrent client.
Images & Graphics
- ImageAlpha - Program for reducing the file size of PNG files.
- ImageOptim - Software for reducing the size of JPG and PNG files.
- Preview - The default image viewing and editing app. Lightweight and functional alternative for simple edits.
- Skitch - Simple editing program for adding anotations to images.
- Pixelmator - A good and affordable ($30) alternative to photoshop.
- Acorn - Similar to Pixelmator.
- Sketch - Another alternative to Pixelmator.
- GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program. Free open source image editing program.
- Preview