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4chanX filters

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With 4chan X installed, you can add filters to automatically hide certain threads to make your 4chan experience a little better.

Here's a list of filters you can add which should hide most reoccurring "x general" threads on /g/. Simply comment a line out with # to unhide those threads.

If you're having problems with the filters, make sure there is no whitespace at the start of each line

 # Lines starting with # are comments and are filters that are not in effect
 # Add this whole block to Subject, name, email, comment and filename fields.
 # Maintained at https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=4chanX_filters
 ## *coin craze ##
 ## Regular threads ##
 /desk-?t[oa]r?p threa?ds?/i;op:only
 /poa?st (y(ou|e)r|ur) deskt[oa]r?p/i;op:only
 /battle[ -]*stations?/i
 /(phone|home)( )*screen/i
 #/daily program+ing/i
 /no time for love/i
 #/what are you working on(,? \/g\/\?)?/i
 /Feminist[- ]software[- ]foundation/i
 /C[- ]?plus[- ]?equality/i
 /head[- ]?phone/i;op:only
 /cyber[- ]?punk/i;op:only
 /(every[- ]?day|daily) carry/i;op:only
 /e(lectronic)?[- ]?cig(arette)?/i;op:only
 /think[- ]?pads? (thread|general)/i;op:only
 /home[- ]?page (thread)?/i;op:only
 /lisp general/i;op:only
 #/mechanical keyboard/i;op:only
 ## Shitposts ##
 ## Trolls ##
 /hack ([a-zA-Z]+(-)?mail|facebook|google|youtube)/i
 #/why aren'?t you.*\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,4}\/\?/i;op:only
 #/>20[0-9]{2}( *[\+\*\/\-] *[0-9]{0,4})*/i;op:only