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CentOS - Community Enterprise Operating System is a free "RHEL" based distribution of GNU/Linux.

CentOS has a few differences from Red Hat Enterprise (GNU/)Linux:

  • No Red Hat branding or logos.
  • No access to RHN, Red Hat packages or paid support.
  • Packages are not extensively tested or certified to run correctly on specific hardware.

CentOS is commonly used by businesses too cheap to pay for "RHEL" and for individuals pursing Red Hat Certifications.

Adding the Fedora EPEL repository to CentOS

You may want to use some packages that are unavailable in the CentOS repos. You can configure yum to use the Fedora EPEL repo:

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/EPEL.repo


yum clean ; yum repolist

For some reason, I cannot post the URL of the Fedora repository despite filling out the CAPTCHA so find it on your favorite search engine.

Note: This example does not use GPG for package signing.