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4chan is an online anime imageboard created by Christopher Poole, or "moot", in 2003. In October 2014, many 4chan users migrated to 8chan.

Brief History

4chan is a 2chan rip off originally intended to be used for anime discussion. Moot and his friends cannot post on 2chan because 2chan forbids posting outside of Japan, and only Japanese discussion is allowed. Then 4chan was born to fulfill the role of an English image board for anime.

Conspiracies and theories:

Now, 4chan is believed to be a honeypot, especially the /b/ board and the /pol/ board.


  • Mods of /b/ are FBI agents.
  • Mods of /v/ are EA/Valve shills.
  • Mods of /pol/ are JIDF and CIA niggers.
  • There are no mods on /g/.

Death of 4chan


This section/page details a currently developing event. During this time, misinformation may be produced, and changes may be made frequently. Please keep this in mind when reading this section and/or page.

4chan Readers

Clover Family


  • The daddy.
  • Fast, stable.
  • Lacks the features of its forks.
  • Lacks the bloat of its forks.
  • Development is dead ;-;
  • No new captcha support.


  • Fork of Clover created because development was slowing on mainline Clover.
  • Has features such as external archive support and image resizing
  • Kuroba-dev is the one to use.
  • Can be buggy.

KurobaEx (KurobaExperimental)

  • Fork of Kuroba focused on new features and UI elements.
  • Is the most advanced, feature-wise, of the Clover family.
  • You may find those new UI elements to be ugly.
  • Has a captcha solver.
  • Can also sometimes be buggy.
  • Available on F-Droid.

Blue Clover

  • Clover with new captcha implementation and a few features ported from Kuroba.
  • The repo is archived but not dead.
  • Bloat-free(?)


Dash Chan

  • Available on F-droid.
  • Relies on separate plug-ins for each site, downloaded through the app.
  • Different look to the others, very slick.
  • The way it handles slider captchas is either brilliant or terrible depending on your taste.


  • Has iOS version.
  • Zchan available on Google Play Store.
  • Paid app but free version available here: https://zchan.app/download/android/iChan.apk.
  • Open source but the repo is months behind release
  • Russian-developed, so it has a focus on Russian chans.


  • Still early in development.
  • Has a different look to any of the others.
  • Thread view very slick.



Read Chan

  • Available on Google Play Store.
  • Slick catalog view and board selection.
  • Very fast.
  • Lacks some features of the others.


In Poetry

Recently ChatGPT 3 was asked to write a poem about 4chan, and spake thusly:

4chan, a site of mystery
A place where anonymity is key
Posters come and posters go
Leaving behind a trail of woe

Memes and jokes, trolls and spam
All manner of things, a chaotic jam
But amidst the noise and the fray
A sense of community starts to sway

For all its flaws, 4chan endures
A place where laughter often cures
Where the outcasts and the weird
Can gather and be heard

But tread with care, dear passerby
For 4chan can be rough and high
But if you're brave and take the chance
You may find yourself in a digital trance

So come and join the 4chan fray
Where nothing is quite as it seems to say
But one thing is for sure, my friend
You'll never be alone until the very end.