hello friends! new(ish)!


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Arduino is an open-source hardware project that designs and manufactures kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control the physical world. Arduino boards may be purchased pre-assembled, or as do-it-yourself kits; at the same time, the hardware design information is available for those who would like to assemble an Arduino from scratch. If the Arduinos sold by the Arduino project do not satisfy you either in hardware requirements or price, there are various Arduino clones and derivatives available.


Nano family

  • Arduino Nano 33 IoT, a testicle sized microcontroller. It's marketed towards IoT uses but it's so weak that you could only really configure it using assembly which would be pain in the ass
  • Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect with headers, same as the last one but with more nick-nacks.
  • Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense, it has an entire megabyte of cpu flash memory! (plus some sensors and what not).
  • Arduino Nano, as the name suggests it is very small and useless just like my dick.
  • Arduino Nano Every, same as the last one but slightly less useless (but still).
  • Arduino Nano Motor Carrier, sort of like a motherboard but for specifically for all of the above.
Note: i made absolutely 0 effort. i did not even look at the specifications, i just looked at them and assumed what they could be used for like every editor