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Base58 is a encoding scheme invented by Satoshi Nakomoto for Bitcoin. It forgoes "look-a-like" characters, i.e. 0 and O, l and I to prevent mistranscription or deliberately similar adddresses.

To convert a base10 number to base 58 use modulo 58 successively and write the remainders right to left. Then lookup the relevant characters in a base58 table and convert.

Base58 table (from the Bitcoin wiki)

Value Character Value Character Value Character Value Character
0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4
4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8
8 9 9 A 10 B 11 C
12 D 13 E 14 F 15 G
16 H 17 J 18 K 19 L
20 M 21 N 22 P 23 Q
24 R 25 S 26 T 27 U
28 V 29 W 30 X 31 Y
32 Z 33 a 34 b 35 c
36 d 37 e 38 f 39 g
40 h 41 i 42 j 43 k
44 m 45 n 46 o 47 p
48 q 49 r 50 s 51 t
52 u 53 v 54 w 55 x
56 y 57 z

Notable Uses

  • Bitcoin Addresses
  • Other cryptocurrency addresses
  • IPFS multihashes
  • Flickr short URLS