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Free Software Foundation

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(For the GNU Project, see GNU)

The Free Software Foundation is a foundation founded in 1985 to support The GNU Project financially. While The GNU Project is primarily about Software and software licenses (Known for the GPL, AGPL and LGPL licenses), the FSF is more about the political side to the philosophy. Both are a creation of RMS. The FSF co-hosts many movements, such as Close Windows, Open Doors, Email Self Defense, and a number of other projects. In addition, they also co-host projects by other foundations, such as The Electronic Fronter Foundation.

Associate membership

The Associate membership program is a program for the FSF to keep a steady flow of income by having "Associate members" donating around 60 to 120 dollars annually as a membership fee. Unlike with regular donations, Associate members get certain benefits such as:

  • Gratis admission to the LibrePlanet conference
  • Access to the FSF members' forum
  • XMPP account
  • Email aliases
  • IRC cloak
  • A membership card/Trisquel live USB

External Links

The FSF Homepage