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Study Methods

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How best to study, is an occasional topic on /sci/. These threads rarely get far, so this stub is made just to advance the topic.


The following was proposed:

  • read the text
  • stop up and think what it means
  • ask yourself what the implications, including further implications, will be (say from electricity to magnetism, and from there motors and generators)

Next compare what you have learned with other thing you have learned, say electricity vs. magentism

  • look for comparisons (a current will induce a magnetic field, a varying magnetic field will induce a current)
  • see how it meshes together or not (you can easily make an electic dipole or monopole, but not a magnetic monopole)

Reading is just part of it, thinking is the most important part. In the words of another poster:

The most important part of learning anything is to deeply and intuitively comprehend what a term means and symbolizes. When you're reading you usually gloss over the meaning of individual words and phrases (as you should) but if its your first time reading a certain subject you should pause and translate the jargon into more basic words in your head


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