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Talk:/cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk

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The Incident

In a recent /cyb/ /sec/ thread one anon asked about the incident. This is controversial, should we add a page on the topic? Below some notes while I try to figure out what happened, searching Desuarchive.


Desuarchive shows the /cyb/ generals ran from 2014 until the incident in 2021. The first post is dated 2014-03-05 and refers to Cyberpunk which started 2014-02-05. The first Cyberpunk general was dated 2013-01-21.


  • range banning /sec/ posters was mentioned.
  • an irrecoverable purge was mentioned 2021-08-17, the incident must have taken place earlier.
  • a dispute if there was a purge vs. /cyb/ never existed 2021-07-26
    • "Cyb died because there wasn't anything cyb related to talk about, other than posting pictures why does it need a general? It's literally /fa/"
  • normal thread reaching 313 posts dated 2021-07-21; the next expired after 35 posts.

Search key


Date Title Posts Files Posters Comment
2023-04-21 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 9 8 5 OP provide a MEGA library, which is quickly wiped. OP is thanked for his sacrifise, as a 3 month ban is expected. Thread dies quickly.
2023-07-16 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 323 139 81 OP makes a daring post and this one runs the full length and then some. One /cyb/ News and one /sec/ News, so not everyone is back. OP paste was missing.
2023-07-19 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 339 73 84 OP makes a new post hot on the heels of the last, also this one runs the full length and then some, and is even faster. One /cyb/ News and one /sec/ News, so not everyone is back. OP paste is back.
2023-07-21 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 315 56 85 OP makes a new post hot on the heels of the last, also this one runs the full length and then some. Two /cyb/ News and two /sec/ News, this general is still picking up speed. OP paste is back.
2023-07-25 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 313 71 90 OP makes a new post hot on the heels of the last, also this one runs the full length and then some. A single combine /cyb/ /sec/ News.
2023-07-31 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 312 61 88 OP makes a new post hot on the heels of the last, also this one runs the full length and then some. One /cyb/ News and one /sec/ News.


Date Title Posts Files Posters Comment
2022-01-21 //cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 167 34 57 OP asks "what ever happened to these threads?", gets no real answer. One anon promises to revive it.
2022-01-23 /cyb/ - Cyberpunk General 143 53 42 OP starts /cyb/ only, shortly after previous ends. An archive is announced.
2022-01-26 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 1 1 1 Thread was deleted by OP.
2022-01-26 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 104 30 31 OP got the thread going, lots of links to sizeof.cat, lasts one day
2022-01-27 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 283 72 86 OP restarted the thread next day. Increasing cert talk.
2022-01-30 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 56 13 26 OP restarted the thread next day. Slow thread, discussion on merging with /psg/.
2022-02-03 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 34 11 13 OP restarted the thread a few days later, discussions of starting this every Fridays only.
2022-02-18 /cyb/ + /sec/ 25 05 12 OP started the thread just over 2 week later, OP text was different, new OP?
2022-02-28 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 34 02 18 OP started the thread nearly 2 week later, OP was new. Friday-OP is not seen.
2022-03-05 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 320 58 124 OP started the thread nearly 2 week later, OP was new. Friday-OP still not seen. Reached 313 posts plus 7 posts deleted by mods.
2022-03-08 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 8 4 7 OP started the thread while the previous was already running.
2022-03-15 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 199 29 90 A fair bit of discussions on HW and embedded plus the demise of the general and where people went.
2022-03-25 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 2 2 1 Lapsus$ edition. Possibly the first thread that was deleted.
2022-04-14 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 1 1 1 Not even a single reply.
2022-05-08 where did /cyb/ + /sec/ go 19 3 17 Some suggest it has been taken over by /psg/ while others disagree.
2022-09-20 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 44 6 25 thread was god, wide ranging, but also short.


Date Title Posts/Files/Posters Comment
2021-12-18 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 65 / 06 / 33 OP tries frog posting, does not improve the discussion.
2021-12-16 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 99 / 23 / 43 Now people complaining about this not being about certs.
2021-12-14 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 92 / 18 / 48 Mostly about certs.
2021-12-07 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 95 / 14 / 47 Familiar and branded OP image used, OP insists "This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session." This tag line continues the next few threads
2021-12-03 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 36 / 03 / 19 Still the same OP text. Again with Discord.
2021-11-30 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 198 / 15 / 79 Anons note pastes are stale but old FAQs are not linked to. Also with Discord link.
2021-11-26 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 22 / 05 / 15 OP admitted "Dead general edition" and last poster checked out thread with "die out".
2021-11-25 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 12 / 03 / 08 OP exclaimed "There's finally a discord server edition" and things went off the rails.
2021-11-24 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 1 / 1 / 1 Second post same day, just fell off page 10.
2021-11-23 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 156 / 21 / 53 Meixiu made an entrance, ended up deeming the thread retarded. Also lots of cert posting.
2021-11-10 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 320 / 30 / 110 Op states "This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session." There are 44 posts on certs and 40 on jobs, at least the thread lasted beyond 310.
2021-11-09 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 74 / 11 / 42 Op states "This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session." There are 2 posts on certs and 2 on jobs, a slight improvement.
2021-11-08 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 36 / 10 / 16 Op states "This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session." There are 5 posts on certs and 14 on jobs.
2021-11-07 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General 138 / 19 / 43 Op states "This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session." There are 19 posts on certs and 29 on jobs. Some news postings are made, not in old format.
2021-11-03 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General: 320 / 62 / 94 The first to go past 310 for months. Abbreviated OP text. Many happy to see the general back, a few were quite the opposite.
2021-10-20 /cyb/ + /sec/ - Cybersecuity General 61 / 13 / 30 Lain mentioned but they deleted /cyb/, keeping /sec/; /Ω/ or /Δ/ has some /cyb/ discussion
2021-10-04 /cyb/ + /sec/ - Cybersecuity General 20 / 01 / 16 Brief, even by recent standards
2021-10-02 /cyb/ + /sec/ - Cybersecuity General 73 / 12 / 30 Started same day as previous general. Suggesting /sec/ turned on /cyb/ and spammed people away, via /fa/, general declared mostly dead
2021-10-02 /cyb/ + /sec/ - Cybersecuity General 05 / 03 / 11 Died quickly: "This thread was dead on arrival. We have 13 posts of which 4 are bumps."
2021-10-01 /cyb/ + /sec/ - Cybersecuity General 11 / 03 / 10 Died quickly: "So is the general officially back?" And thread dies within 6 hours.
2021-09-20 /cyb/ + /sec/ - Cybersecuity General 151 / 18 / 75 New OP text, close to that of 2021-08-22, mostly sec, one anon declares /cyb/ FAQ jibberish, is rewriting for posting on Neocities. The incident is explained as /sec/ forcing out /cyb. Symb0l makes an appearance.
2021-09-13 /cyb/ + /sec/ - Cybersecuity General 68 / 06 / 22 Uses old format OP text. The Mega archive was taken down.
2021-09-07 /cyb/ + /sec/ - Cybersecuity General 13 / 02 / 11 Lasted about an hour. one anon mentions "we all moved bro no need to make more threads here", another that "sec posters got range banned for some reason"
2021-09-07 what happened to /cyb/ threads? 11 / 01 / 08 Lasted nearly 3 hours. Op asked but got no answers.
2021-08-22 /cyb/er/sec/ 82 / 09 / 39 New OP text. One anon noted that "Sadly this is another /sec/ threadlet dressed up with some stolen /cyb/ feathers. It will not last," and was right.
2021-08-16 /cyb/ + /sec/ 33 / 06 / 27 Old OP text. Mostly discussions on what OP text should be. A purge is mentioned
2021-08-10 /cyb//sec/ 03 / 01 / 03 One of the shortest ever, lasted less than 2 hours
2021-08-02 Does Anyone Have the /cyb/ Wall of Text? 12 / 06 / 09 Lasted just over 2 hours but OP got a reply.
2021-07-26 cyb/+/sec/ (7) - The Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity general 99 / 16 / 44 New OP text. Strong disagreement about past traffic with discussion of purge vs. "flop". Even the /sec/ FAQ has not seen a single update since that "happening". First admission that there was an attack in that "jannies kept deleting them".
2021-07-24 cyb/+/sec/ (6) - The Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity general 31 / 05 / 17 New OP text, but not the latest 1.1 and latest about 7 hours.
2021-07-21 /cyb/+/sec/ (5) - The Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity general 313 / 71 / 82 Old OP text, new versions 1.0 and 1.1 was suggested. Some claim "we are on lainchan".
2021-07-17 /cyb/+/sec/ #4 (Revival) - The Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity general 320 / 57 / 86 Mention of people range banned 3 - 6 months, plus "the huge purge a month or so ago".
2021-07-15 /cyb/+/sec/ #3 (Revival) - The Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity general 315 / 69 / 76 A "Cyberpunk has nothing to do with cybersecurity"-anon is early. Catbox 1.2 and 1.2.1 text files released.
2021-07-13 Cyb + Sec 316 / 59 / 85 First Catbox collection of text files released followed by version 1.1. Some Solarpunk contents too.
2021-07-09 Cyb + Sec The Thread Revival 318 / 58 / 99 That start of a series of attempts to revive the general. A frogposter is late in claiming "Cyberpunk has nothing to do with cybersecurity". People are surprised the thread has not been killed. Expectations were generally low.
2021-06-19 //CYB-SEC-GEN (CYB-SG)\\ 91 / 9 / 47 Op noted "Re-starting this General assuming the jannies haven't made it gone permanently. Apparently all of the tripfags and regulars got banned for some reason.

Disclaimer: If the jannies be mad and hatin', then this general is satirical in nature and really just a lulzy LARP". Others say people moved to Lainchan. Now gone regulars are listed. One anon keeps insisting none of this ever happened.

2021-06-18 //CYB-SEC-GEN (CYB-SG)\\ 50 / 5 / 20 Very brief OP text. Op note: "Re-starting this General assuming the jannies haven't made it gone permanently. Apparently all of the tripfags and regulars got banned for some reason."
2021-06-06 /cyb/ + /sec/ General - WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO /cybsec/ EDITION 01 / 01 / 01 One post. No replies. Shortest thread possible
2021-05-29 /cyb/ + /sec/ General -- Program Advance Edition 88 / 12 / 32 Mostly sec and bumps
2021-05-24 /cyb/ + /sec/ General WINDOWS WORM EDITION 39 / 04 / 23 Mostly sec and bumps
2021-05-21 /cyb/ + /sec/ General COMPILER DESIGN ISN'T A MEME EDITION 106 / 10 / 46 A purge and exodus to Lainchan is mentioned. Others objected. Regulars MIA were listed.
2021-05-21 /cyb/ + /sec/ Cyberpunk & Cybersecurity General 9 / 1 / 6 Brief
2021-05-20 /cyb/ + /sec/ General DAVE AITEL IS SMARTER THAN YOU EDITION 21 / 02 / 13 Brief
2021-05-18 /cyb/ + /sec/ General AI WILL SOLVE IT EDITION 68 / 06 / 20 Mostly sec
2021-05-16 /cyb/ + /sec/ General PAKISTANI CATFISH EDITION 43 / 02 / 20 Brief, mostly bumps. Some are picking up people that missed the migration to Lainchan.
2021-05-15 /cyb/ + /sec/ General 15 / 04 / 07 Second same day attempt. Brief, mostly bumps. Some ask why the general has been dying lately.
2021-05-15 /cyb/ + /sec/ General HACKERS GETTING HACKED EDITION 21 / 05 / 11 Brief, a few bumps
2021-05-13 /cyb/ + /sec/ General WHAT PIPELINE EDITION 75 / 15 / 23 Mostly sec, ransomware re. oil infrastructure
2021-05-09 /cyb/ + /sec/ Cybersecurity General OH NO MY GITHUB EDITION 53 / 07 / 29 Second thread on same day, yet mostly sec and bumps.
2021-05-09 /cyb/ + /sec/ Cybersecurity General MODEM HACKING EDITION 6 / 3 / 5 Brief. Anon was "amazed how quick it takes for these threads to archive".
2021-05-07 /cyb/ + /sec/ Cybersecurity General LORD NAIKON EDITION 71 / 10 / 30 Mostly sec and bumps
2021-05-04 /cyb/ + /sec/ Cybersecurity General APPLE IS SO SIMPLE TO USE EDITION 152 / 10 / 59 Mostly sec.
2021-05-01 /cyb/ + /sec/ Cybersecurity General IOT HAS NO ASLR EDITION 217 / 14 / 61 Mostly sec, some discussion on purge.
2021-04-29 /cyb/ + /sec/ Cybersecurity General 300 CONFIRMED KILLS EDITION 84 / 14 / 32 Mostly sec
2021-04-25 /cyb/ + /sec/ 189 / 11 / 81 Very short OP text.
2021-04-22 /cyb/ + /sec/ 112 / 12 / 58 Very short OP text. Second thread on same day
2021-04-22 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general FIRMWARE IS YOUR FRIEND EDITION 24 / 02 / 11 Tmpout zine mentioned.
2021-04-20 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general 95 / 16 / 42 Mostly /sec/ with comments like "just let this general die"
2021-04-19 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general SIGNAL GIVES YOU A PRESENT EDITION 110 / 11 / 45 Mostly /sec/ with comments like "/cyb/ is dying, let's not be delusional about that, this gay board is killing it". Some had gone to Telegram but that too is now disbanded.
2021-04-17 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general BIDEN SANCTIONS EDITION 83 / 06 / 39 Posters are concerned, "I think it'd be worthwhile if the /cyb/ community here would openly have a discussion about why these generals are dying. We've always gone in and out of activity, but never this inactive, and never for this long."
2021-04-16 /cyb/ + /sec/ is officially dead 02 / 01 / 02 Minimal OP text. Thread ended quickly, proving OP.
2021-04-15 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general SECRET DELEET EDITION 82 / 11 / 37 Mostly /sec/
2021-04-12 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general CATASTROPHIC LEAKS EDITION 144 / 17 / 69 Mostly about jobs and certs.
2021-04-11 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general 83 / 13 / 33 Comment: "This board/thread is dead. The real cybersec discussions happen on another board named after a little girl. Just let /cyb/ die"
2021-04-10 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general JOHN AND PAUL EDITION 17 / 01 / 06 Comment: "This board/thread is dead. The real cybersec discussions happen on another board named after a little girl. Just let /cyb/ die"
2021-04-08 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general 109 / 18 / 44 Mostly about /sec/ jobs
2021-04-06 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general SOLARIGATE EDITION 29 / 03 / 19 Mostly about /sec/ jobs: "might as well call this thread /cert/+/jobadvice/"
2021-04-05 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general 63 / 10 / 31 Some /cyb/ discussions
2021-04-02 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general I CHOOSE DAVE AITEL Edition 137 / 18 / 38 Mostly about /sec/ jobs
2021-03-31 /cyb/ + /sec/: Cyber security general - Aramaki edition 166 / 29 / 66 Mostly about /sec/. Symb0l is back, the FTP server will not be back.
2021-03-28 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity and related autismo - Tachikoma edition 176 / 25 / 62 Mostly about /sec/ and related jobs. Complain that "the same cyberpunk retards kept derailing" these threads.
2021-03-24 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk - Batou edition 319 / 52 / 96 Two anons reporting they were banned on fabricated grounds [1] [2]
2021-03-23 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk-poorly formatted edition 19 / 04 / 12 Anon asks "why is this general so dead" - the answer is in next thread.
2021-03-22 /cyb/ + /sec/ - CYBERPUNK/CYBERSECURITY GENERAL 17 / 03 / 12 Brief
2021-03-22 /cyb/ + /sec/ - CYBERPUNK/CYBERSECURITY GENERAL 16 / 05 / 11 Brief
2021-03-21 /cyb/ + /sec/ - CYBERPUNK/CYBERSECURITY GENERAL 122 / 16 / 39 Some crypto discussions for once.
2021-03-15 /cyb/ + /sec/ - CYBERPUNK/CYBERSECURITY GENERAL 318 / 22 / 120 Once instance of "=== /sec/ news" and "=== /cyb/ news", two posts deleted
2021-03-15 /cyb/ + /sec/ - CYBERPUNK/CYBERSECURITY GENERAL 07 / 01 / 06 One harmless post deleted
2021-03-10 /cyb/ + /sec/ - CYBERPUNK/CYBERSECURITY GENERAL 254 / 26 / 94 First of a series with the same title. Mostly certs and jobs
2021-03-10 /cyb/ + /sec/ - Blue team edition 07 / 04 / 05 Started too early, while another was still running
2021-03-09 /cyb/ + /sec/ keep it alive 65 / 04 / 33 Mostly about jobs
2021-03-06 /cyb/ + /sec/ - I'm going to rant in the OP 214 / 28 / 72 Mostly about jobs and certs, one post deleted
2021-02-27 /cyb/ + /sec/ General Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity 191 / 37 / 51 Mostly about jobs and certs, one post deleted
2021-02-26 /cyb/ + /sec/ + /hmg/ : i love you; neither do i 95 / 06 / 27 Mostly about jobs and certs
2021-02-24 /cyb/ + /sec/ General Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity 280 / 23 / 64 Once instance of "=== /sec/ news" and "=== /cyb/ news"
2021-02-18 /cyb/ + /sec/ General Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity 313 / 38 / 110 Mostly jobs and certs. Two instances of "=== /sec/ news"
2021-02-16 /cyb/ + /sec/ General 59 / 10 / 22 Second thread same day. A note that a /sec/ only thread quickly died.
2021-02-16 Cybersecurity and cyberpunk General /cyb/ /sec/ 15 / 05 / 10 Short
2021-02-12 /cyb/ + /sec/ Cyberpunk & Cybersecurity General 19 / 02 / 11 One instance of "=== /sec/ news"
2021-02-07 /cyb/ + /sec/ Cyberpunk & Cybersecurity General 278 / 54 / 117 Two instances of "=== /sec/ news" and one of "=== /cyb/ news". A fair bit of cyberpunk/tech discussions.
2021-02-04 /cyb/ + /sec/ Cyberpunk & Cybersecurity General 273 / 43 / 98 A lot of cert posting.
2021-02-01 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk General 145 / 18 / 70 Two instances of "=== /sec/ news"
2021-01-28 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk General 212 / 20 / 87 One instance of "=== /sec/ news"
2021-01-24 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk General 309 / 48 / 96 One instance of "=== /sec/ news" and two of "=== /cyb/ news". Symb0l still missing
2021-01-23 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk General 26 / 05 / 15 Brief
2021-01-18 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk General 318 / 44 / 115 Two instances of "=== /sec/ news" and one of "=== /cyb/ news". A fair bit of Solarpunk discussions.
2021-01-13 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk 323 / 28 / 114 Four instances of "=== /sec/ news" and two of "=== /cyb/ news". A fair bit of Solarpunk discussions.
2021-01-09 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk 318 / 40 / 113 Two instances of "=== /sec/ news".
2021-01-04 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk 316 / 37 / 111 One instance of "=== /sec/ news" and two of "=== /cyb/ news". Symb0l still active


Date Title Posts Files Posters Comment
2020-12-31 /cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk 229 38 79 OP declares "/sec/ will never be a real thread edition". Four instance of "=== /sec/ news" and none of "=== /cyb/ news".
2020-01-03 /cyb/ + /sec/ CYBERPUNK/CYBERSECURITY general 313 29 74 OP declares "Thread challenge: Don't get baited". Four instance of "=== /sec/ news" and two of "=== /cyb/ news".
2020-01-06 /cyb/ + /sec/ CYBERPUNK/CYBERSECURITY general 286 21 90 OP is systematic: "Thread challenge: Don't get baited - part 2". Six instance of "=== /sec/ news" and four of "=== /cyb/ news".


  • the /sec/ FAQ editor
  • the /cyb/ FAQ editor, plus /sec/ contents contributors to the Wiki
  • the /sec/ News anons
  • the /cyb/ News anons
  • the Knowledge Management System (KMS) anon
  • the Compiler anon, planned to compile all info from the threads. The News anons used the format "=== /sec/ News" as breadcrumbs for retrieval by Compiler anon
  • Wiki anon, aka Symb0l
  • the anons putting up the various Mega archives, the archives are all gone now
  • the Corona virus tracking anon, someone trying to model the spread the same way as malware spreads
  • the Banesuit anon, planning to make a banesuit inspired by Eudeamon
  • the /ham/ FAQ editor started out in this general and was at least once a regular


Graph of posts, posters and files throughout 2021

The incident appears to have happened in the middle on February 2021. People have strong opinions that there was a purge vs. it never even existed. Whatever happened, the general went from 300+ posts in a few days to expiring after less than 100 posts. Regulars and archives disappeared around the same time.

In more detail, the incident must have happened around 2021-02-24, as this was the last post in a series with mostly over 300 posts and usually over 100 posters per thread. Subsequently the number of posts was halved and the number of posters declined to about a third. Even the "revival" attempt in July 2021 was not able to bring in more than 100 posters. There was a singular exception in a thread started 2021-03-15, the last where the specially formatted news postings were seen, after that threads were mostly shorter and with fewer posters.

It would seem there was not one single purge but several. The main at the end of February, and then stragglers purged in the middle of March. This seems confirmed by two anons surfacing at the end of March, stating they were banned on fabricated grounds. Recently one anon wrote "I used to make a fair amount of the cyb sec threads but the jannies banned me for multiple months last summer so I stopped making them". Clearly this was an extended campaign to end this general. One year later, /cyb/ has still not recovered.