hello friends! new(ish)!


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The /g/’s unOfficial IRC List should fit somewhere.

Cleanup Tag

Move channels to it's own article, List of IRC channels for example. Make things slightly more readable by adding more context, less examples.

This cleanup tag mentions two things:

  • Move channels to it's own article, List of IRC channels.
    • This List of IRC channels link currently redirects to this article. IRC.
      • Are there enough IRC channgls to warrant their own page?
  • Make things slightly more readable by adding more context, less examples.
    • I assume this it referring to the IRC#Need to Know IRC Commands section?
    • This section could to with some wiki formatting, but seems pretty educational to me.
      • It could easily be reformatted as (forgiving the bullet point level of mediawiki):
Type /join #channelname -- to join a channel of your choice. e.g.:
/join #installgentoo