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From InstallGentoo Wiki v2
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This page is a template. It contains no article-related information, but should be used as part of other articles. For more information, read Help:Template.

Please do not experiment with this template; you could ruin all pages using this template. If you want to edit this template, copy the text to Template:Sandbox, edit and test it there, and copy it back when it works.

Feel free to voice your opinion regarding this template.

{{TOC right}} forces the auto-generated Table of Contents for an article to appear floated to the right side of the page, in order to improve article layout.


Insert {{TOCright}} at the point in the article where you want the top of the Table of Contents box to appear. This should usually be after the text of the lead section, and just before the first section heading.

Parameters (optional)

Sets the CSS clear property, which forces this float underneath the side specified with this attribute. So, clear=right (which is the default) will place the element after all the right floating elements before it. Options are left, right, both, or none.
Set the CSS width.
Limits the depth of subheadings shown. For instance using limit=4 will hide the fourth level and deeper subheadings in the hierarchy. And limit=2 will hide all subheadings leaving only the main headings. This is implemented as a CSS class in the MediaWiki:Common.css.